At my grandmothers house..
and this is my grandmother.. hehehe..
hmmm.. pics of my mother,Terry n mE..
mE n Terrance weirding..??
last but not least my cousin bro who is gettin married soon.. lol..
hmmm.. chinese new year means lots of money coming in huh..?? lol.. ang pow come come le.. hahaa.. well.. like this pic of my cousins gf.. lol.. so happy receiving angpow..hahaha..
then my younger bro n other cousin Terrance happily eatin away..
hmmm.. not much pic taken cause busy drinking.. hahah.. my jeans sucks cant put the camera.. lol.. nvm la.. enuf de.. ahahah..
Chor Yi went to Happy Garden 4 lunch at my aunts condo.. then we all headed to Damansara then towards Kepong as usual.. sat there n ate summore junk foods.. lol.. GG la.. so much foods.. hehehe.. em.. then headed to Kota Damansara 4 dinner.. not bad also la.. but the food too much.. guess every1 had too much of junk foods huh..?? lol.. headed back lo then straight away.. cause i need to work next morning.. lol.. tired but still have to go lo.. ahahha..
Changed department de today as at 11th FEB to Front Office(FO).. was put into the Operator room 4 1st day.. haha.. quite fun also la.. as u juz need to pick up the phone n transfer calls.. lol.. then requested 4 leave summroe la 4 chor 8.. in chrge was Ms.Rachel.. so i asked her n she says ok la.. hehehe.. damn good la she.. hmmm... tomoro to Business Centre again..?!? hahaha.. well.. runing broke during CNY..?? possible la.. ang pow is to keep la.. lol.. not use.. so have to spend wisely la.. lol..
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